Let it out

 It's been a while since I screamed.

It feels better when I scream.


 And just like that

It didn't hurt anymore. 

I was surprised of myself. 

And felt kinda guilty

As I promised forever. 

Be happy, child, 

I know I'll try to be. 


 I'm getting off the seesaw, I was playing by myself. 


 I've been wearing a costume, and nobody seem to notice I'm inside of it. 

I've been wearing it for a long time. I can't remember for how long.

I only take it off when I'm home, And sometimes when someone it's interested in the real me.

The thing is, I can't go out without it.

And I'm a bit afraid people won't recognize me if i don't wear it. 

Middle point

 Happy and gloomy coexist for now.

Today I practiced self care. I made my legs shiver by myself.

I've been swimming by my own and it's getting a little better. Lifeguard was nowhere to be found. 

My smile it's getting real more often, I barely have to pretend. 


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