It's been a while

 I should be used to it by now, and yet here I am.

I should stop watching romantic kdrama. 

I should stop reading fanfics. 

I should stop looking at manwhas. 

Because I want what happens there. 

I crave it, I need it in a way that I think it's not normal. 

I want to be praised. 

I want to be admired. 

I want to be loved. 

I want to be looked at with love. 

I want to be somebody's reason to smile.

I want cuddles, kisses in the forehead, pinching of cheeks. 

It's so painful to live without it, when many years ago it used to be an almost everyday thing.

Maybe I'm hormonal, maybe I'm just feeling lonely.

It's making me miss the past so bad, that makes me forget the reasons why it doesn't happen anymore.

I just wanted to put it in words. I wanted to be selfish for a moment . Don't think too much about it. 


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